Ophelia Venturelli
Credentials: Assistant professor
Position title: Biochemistry
Email: venturelli@wisc.edu
BS, Biological Sciences, Stanford University
PhD, Biochemistry, California Institute of Technology
Postdoc, Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley
The Venturelli lab leverages experiment, computational modeling and theory to investigate the evolutionary design principles of molecular networks and microbial communities. We aim to elucidate a quantitative and mechanistic understanding of community-level functions including assembly, stability and resilience to environmental pressures. Biological and engineering design rules will be exploited to construct microbial control systems that can realize novel functions. Our research combines multiplexed measurements of single-cells and populations with concepts from control theory, nonlinear dynamical systems and multi-objective optimization for systems-level characterization and design.
Group website: www.venturellilab.org